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Austria (0), Belarus (0), Bolivia (0), Bosnia and Herzegovina (0), Brazil (0), Bulgaria (0), Canada (0), China (0), Croatia (0), Czech Republic (0), Denmark (0), Egypt (0), France (0), Georgia (0), Germany (0), Greece (0), Hungary (0), India (0), Indonesia (0), Israel (0), Italy (0), Jordan (0), Kazakhstan (0), Latvia (0), Lithuania (0), Malta (0), Mexico (0), Moldova (0), Montenegro (0), Nepal (0), Netherlands (0), Norway (0), Occupied Palestinian Territories (0), Poland (0), Romania (0), Russian Federation (0), Slovakia (0), Spain (0), Sweden (0), Switzerland (0), Thailand (0), Turkey (0), Ukraine (59), United Arab Emirates (0), United States (0), Uzbekistan (0)
Austria (0), Belarus (0), Bolivia (0), Bosnia and Herzegovina (0), Brazil (0), Bulgaria (0), Canada (0), China (0), Croatia (0), Czech Republic (0), Denmark (0), Egypt (0), France (0), Georgia (0), Germany (0), Greece (0), Hungary (0), India (0), Indonesia (0), Israel (0), Italy (0), Jordan (0), Kazakhstan (0), Latvia (0), Lithuania (0), Malta (0), Mexico (0), Moldova (0), Montenegro (0), Nepal (0), Netherlands (0), Norway (0), Occupied Palestinian Territories (0), Poland (0), Romania (0), Russian Federation (0), Slovakia (0), Spain (0), Sweden (0), Switzerland (0), Thailand (0), Turkey (0), Ukraine (59), United Arab Emirates (0), United States (0), Uzbekistan (0)